Action Center

We Are Better Together!

Need help, encouragement, talking points, sample letters or want an IPS rep to join you for a meeting with your legislator? Contact: IPS Director of Operations, Kristen Malloy at OR IPS Lobbyist, Mark Peysakhovich at

To find a full text of bills, as well as to find the current status of bills, visit: Join the IPS Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) to be in the know of all IPS Government Affairs efforts. Contact Kristen Malloy at for more information.

The 103rd Illinois General Assembly, sworn into office on January 9, 2023, has many new members. The time to start making connections with these new legislators is NOW!


The Illinois congressional map has recently gone through the redistricting process.

Do you know if your district
was affected?

Additional Tips when Contacting your Legislator:

  • Identify yourself as a psychiatric physician and constituent.

  • Identify clearly the specific issue or Bill you are writing/speaking about.

  • Be brief. State your reasons for support or opposition and ask your legislator for a specific action (i.e., supporting - by voting Yes or opposing - by voting No on the specific bill) and thank them for considering your views.

  • Don't threaten or berate. Never demand that your Legislator support what you ask for or they will "lose your vote." This is counterproductive and they will simply disregard your viewpoints.

  • If you are sending snail mail, be sure the letter is type-written and include your name and address on the letter itself.

  • Be patient when waiting for a response, but don't hesitate to follow-up after a reasonable amount of time.