Electronic Winter 2023 | Issue 57
APA 2023 Fall Assembly Report
By: Kenneth Busch MD and Susan Scherer MD
The Assembly had its fall meeting in Baltimore from November 3-5, 2023. This meeting was special. Our last in-person fall meeting was held four years ago in Washington DC just before the pandemic started. The turnout was substantial with over 150 participants from most States and Specialty groups.
IPS representatives included Dr. Arden Barnett, Dr. Linda Gruenberg, Dr. Susan Scherer and Dr. Steven Weinstein (for Dr. Joshua Nathan). Other Illinois delegates who were serving as representatives for their Specialty societies included Dr. David Lott (American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry), Dr. Aida Mihajlovic (American Association for Social Psychiatry) and Dr. Lisette Rodriguez-Cabezas (Association of Women Psychiatrists).
We are very proud of Dr. Shastri Swaminathan who was seen in his new role as Parliamentarian for the entire Assembly. We also thank IPS Interim Executive Director, Kristen Malloy for her participation with us at the Assembly and Area 4.
The Speaker, Dr. Vasilis Pozios, highlighted the top three goals of his term which are streamlining operations, enhancing collegiality, and raising the profile of the Assembly.
The Assembly’s major focus was on Action Papers which are part of APA policy making with the Board of Trustees (BOT).
Some of the approved Action Papers included:
Guidelines for Prevention of Patient Assaults on Mental Healthcare Employees
Opposition to the Restriction and Criminalization of Appropriate Psychotropic Prescribing in Nursing Homes
Simplification of Membership Renewal
Reducing Access to Lethal Means: Restricting Acetaminophen Pack Size
Increasing Trainee Access to APA Staff to Improve Recruitment and Retention
Dr. Saul Levin, CEO and Medical Director, thanked the Assembly for its continued leadership and support of the APA. He provided an overview of the Federal Advocacy Day Conference on Capitol Hill in October. There was robust involvement by participants which focused on three key issues: workforce, integrated/collaborative care, and health equity.
Dr. Levin provided an overview of next year's annual meeting in New York City on May 4-8, 2024 and encouraged everyone to attend. In closing, Dr. Levin emphasized the importance of the APA Foundation and urged everyone to contribute to it.
We thank the APA President, Dr. Petros Levounis, for taking the time to speak to us at the Assembly. He provided an update on his presidential theme, Confronting Addiction from Prevention to Recovery.
Dr. Levounis spoke of the importance of engaging with other professional organizations as the APA advances its efforts to address addiction. He noted that despite the advancements in science and research, many patients continue to have challenges to access treatment and overcome addiction.
Dr. Levounis is proud of the work that the Assembly is doing and continues to accomplish. He was roundly applauded for his outstanding presentation.
Mr. Rawle Andrews, Jr, Esq. spoke about the APA Foundation. He provided an overview of a New Strategic Plan for 2024-2026 to ensure a Mentally Healthy Nation for All. He talked about the Maui Strong Fund that was launched for membership-wide involvement for disaster relief efforts in support of the fire that impacted Lahaina and surrounding areas of Maui. The Assembly thanked Mr. Andrews for his leadership as Executive Director of the Foundation and for the importance of membership contributions.
Dr. Brian Hart, Chair of the APA PAC provided an overview of the APA Political Action Committee. He highlighted the importance of making contributions to help with advocacy on Capitol Hill. Some of the priorities this year have focused on increasing the MH/SUD workforce, integration of behavioral health services, enhancing access to telehealth services, addressing health disparities and maintaining appropriate funding for MH/SUD programs.
Of particular interest was the exceptional presentation by Dr. Tamara Campbell on Veterans Mental Health. Dr. Campbell is the Executive Director of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for the Veterans Administration. Please see a related article for the details.
Area 4 met separately during the Assembly with the representatives in our area to discuss business matters. We are planning to host a virtual RFM/ECP event on December 2 and an event on January 13, 2024, to honor the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Assembly meetings are conducted twice a year over a three-day weekend. Participants attend plenary meetings, area meetings, and meetings of workgroups and committees. These are scheduled so that information and recommendations arising from subgroups can be brought back to the Area meetings and then to the full Assembly for discussion and voting.
Attending the Assembly is fascinating and fun. Many remarked at how much better it is when the Assembly meets in-person, rather than virtually. Talking things over in-person is something psychiatrists are known for, and certainly helps to resolve differences and build collegiality.
Area 4 has a prominent voice within the total APA Assembly, and representatives from our Area have given much valuable service to the national organization. Attending an Area 4 event is an opportunity for you to meet colleagues from many neighboring states, and to share solutions to issues we have in common.
We hope this report provides an overview of what the Assembly is doing. We thank IPS Representatives and Illinois delegates in Specialty societies for their dedication and commitment. It is a pleasure and honor to serve you.