Electronic Winter 2023 | Issue 57

APA Administration Update: Workforce Shortage

Below is a letter from the APA President in response to member questions regarding the staffing cuts made to the organization last week. Included is a link to FAQs.

Dear Valued APA Member and District Branch Leadership,

The APA Board of Trustees wants to thank you for bringing to our attention concerns about recent staff changes and the impact APA’s internal restructuring may have on APA’s effectiveness in federal and state legislative advocacy. As a membership organization, it is important that we hear our members’ concerns. We also want to apologize to you for the lack of effective communication about these changes that led to your concerns. We will take steps to ensure that our communication of significant events is much improved in the future.

APA takes great pride in how effective we have been in advocating for your interests in Washington, DC and in the work we have accomplished in collaboration with district branches in state houses across the country. Looking to 2024, the Administration is moving to both steward its finances and position this critical function for the future despite the need for budget cuts in this and other important parts of the APA. We believe that restructuring the APA advocacy team can lead to greater coordination and effectiveness. There is significant breadth and depth of talent in both the APA Government Relations and Policy, Programs, and Partnerships Divisions and we are confident that by combining our advocacy departments we will continue to achieve APA’s legislative and policy agendas in the state, federal, and regulatory arenas.

It is the job of the CEO and Medical Director to make decisions on how to structure and staff the Administration of the organization to best achieve the policy goals set by the Board. Advocacy on behalf of members, patients, and the profession is one of APA’s highest priorities. We expected discussion with the CEO on these issues before significant actions were taken and did not have that opportunity. When changes are made that have a significant impact on mission-critical areas of APA, it is imperative that we provide our leadership, district branches, and members with the Board's rationale behind major decisions so that we are all better equipped to work together effectively. In the case of this recent restructuring, this communication did not happen in a timely manner, and APA should have done better. We apologize for the slowness of our communication. We have FAQs to answer questions that have been raised and to outline the new structure going forward.

As your board, it is our responsibility to provide oversight and guidance that enables our organization to advance our mission and purpose. We want you to know that we heard you and will continue to work together with you to build a stronger, better, APA in 2024, and in the years ahead.

Petros Levounis, M.D., M.A.
APA President on behalf of the APA Board of Trustees

Please follow this link to view additional information/FAQs.