Electronic Fall 2023 | Issue 56

President's Message

By: Andrew Lancia

Busy summer days! We have been very active recently with health fairs, a women’s meeting, a fireside chat, legislative planning and discussions, and of course, getting ready for our annual meeting on October 7, 2023 at Le Meridian Chicago in Oakbrook Center. The most exciting day, however, was when we received emails from two of our members separately asking about how they could get involved. If we could have that every day, the Illinois Psychiatric Society would rocket to a powerhouse in our nation. I am so grateful to all those who have been a foundation to our society for years. Our discussions are ever informed with historical reference while we form our vision for the future.

Recently, we sat down with Senator Fine who mediated a discussion between IPS and core psychology prescribing advocates. We had a good discussion which continued to highlight our concerns regarding oversight and safety. We are hopeful that legislators recognize the reality of these deficits, as well as realize the limitation of this approach to solving the access issues of our state. If you have not read our Mental Health Blueprint: Policy Pillars to Improve Access to Care, please check it out on the website.

The blueprint has been seen throughout the state and by our legislators. Now is the time to move towards greater access in an evidence-based and systemic approach. We have been discussing and drafting legislative initiatives to encourage Collaborative Care. We have supported the expansion of residency positions and have encouraged help in recruiting faculty to teach medical students, residents, and fellows. We have even started discussions on revamping the mental health code in Illinois to help remove archaic language, improve efficiency, and emphasize safety that does not only incorporate physical harm. This judicial reform is only in the fetal stages, but we have had several interactions facilitating an open dialogue through our Judicial Roundtable, inviting our members to a series of forums put on by the courts, and individual meetings about a Judicial subcommittee that I have established with Dr. Linda Gruenberg as chair. Special thanks to Drs. Abdi Tinwalla and Ryan Finkenbine as well for their involvement. This is a tremendous commitment through which they have agreed to help lead.

I appreciate our staff, Kristen Malloy and Meghan Engelbrecht, who set up for all the health fairs that I mentioned above. Thank you to all who have educated our community and supported the legislators during these events. We have participated in fairs sponsored by Senator Adriane Johnson, Representative Maurice West, Speaker of the House Emanuel "Chris" Welch, Senator Mattie Hunter, and Senator John Curran.

I am again excited to announce our success in the Moore Equity 5K. We were again the top district branch, raising $2,770. Thank you to all the leaders who organized their groups across the state and those who joined running for and raising money for the cause.

Finally, I look forward to seeing you all at our annual meeting. It will be an exciting event with our first poster session! The lectures on how we can be committed to our patients and committed to life will discuss suicidality, burnout, and some of the judicial issues I mentioned above. We will also have two special guests, Representative Lindsey LaPointe and the first Carl Bell winner. Please read our winner’s submission in Mind Matters and congratulate him at the meeting.